Wednesday, June 10, 2015

New Artwork! And Markers!

Hey All! Pretty Weird Art has been off the radar for the last few weeks. We've had medical emergencies, job changes, and all sorts of fires to put out. We're trying to get ourselves back on track for producing and posting new artwork.

To jump start our creative juices, we just purchased a crap-ton of new art markers so I've been going back and coloring some recent sketches with them. I (Ethan) have been coloring some of my daily sketches from the last month or two and Rachel (my fellow artistic cohort) has been working on some original character designs involving girls, mermaids, and boobs ( her favorite combination of subject matters!)

Check out our most recent colored work below!

If anyone's interested in buying any of the originals, shoot us an email at and we'll post the original to our online store so you can purchase it.