Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Creepy Cat Comics and Pretty Weird Update

So Pretty Weird Art has been busy trying to get our comics set up and ready to roll for next year's con season. We've just about finished up the comics that we're going to have in our first creepy cat comic for next year, now we just have to find the time to color everything. 

Rachel and I are shooting for having at least 5 new comics for the beginning of 2016. 
We're in the process of coloring most of them right now. We have the 2nd issue of the Death Elf and Woose Daily comics that will be published as a coloring/ activity book finished. The following comics are in the process of being colored and lettered...2 more issues of Churchology, the 3rd double-sized, issue of Skull Gun Bunny, and our 1st Creepy Cat Comic. We will also do a 2016 sketchbook if time permits. The only project that we're really running behind in is the 3rd issue of The Adventures of Death Elf and Woose. Our script is completed but we've not had time to pencil the pages yet. We're trying to get the coloring done on the other projects since they are already very close to being completed. Rachel is also pencilling out her Blood Poachers Vs. Dracula comic along with various other fantasy-themed original pieces of artwork. We've got plenty of projects in the pipeline, it's just a matter of finding the time to get them colored and to the printers. 

To prove we aren't lying about the process we're making, below are several more Creepy Cat pages that Rachel and I worked on over the last two weeks. 

Hope you like them!